Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. First, let me introduced myself. My
name is Igretia Diffa Aulia Qatrunnada, I’m from second grade science three. I’m
standing here as a leader’s candidat of student council. I want to be a leader
because I believe that I have an ability to organize an organization. To be a
leader, not only smart in class, but also smart in
understanding and willingness
to hear the opinion from many people and then realize it well.
I think if we had had a decision as a result from other opinions, the decision
would have a good thing. I want change bad habit in this school become a better
we know, our school is a best school in Bandung even in Indonesia. So this
school must have students with a great quality. To achieve that, we need a
development and inovation in school’s program. School program must have an
effective target in increase student’s national or international
achievements.Mayority, school programs always have a relationship with student
council, because they are the active role in held school program. So, student
council must be able to run the organization well. That’s all depend on the
chairman also.
that, my first vision is about a development and inovation in school program
and make a change to be a better with deleted the bad habit. One more important
is increase solidarity around a student of Bandung 3 Senior High School. Our
school must held many event such as performing arts etc. Change this school
from “boring school” with “amazing school” I believed, all student will more
enjoyed with their environment then their achievement in class will be nicely.
want student in Bandung 3 Senior High School smart in education and social. I
will give my best effort from my school and I will be responsible everything
happened. If you trust me, CHOOSE ME! #3 I’m ready to be a leader. Walaikumsalam Wr. Wb.
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